Chevelle Reactions | Door to Door Cannibals

Door to Door Cannibals is from the album The North Corridor. It happens to be in my top 22 favorite Chevelle songs.

The North Corridor is from 2016 and also has Last Days, Young Wicked, Enemies, Rivers, and Shot from a Cannon on it. I have heard some reactors and YouTubers say that they are not a big fan of this album. I’d love to hear your thoughts about it in the comments below.

In the meantime, check out these Chevelle reaction videos to Door to Door Cannibals.

Door to Door Cannibals | Chevelle Reaction | Musics, Cats, and Coffee

Door to Door Cannibals | Chevelle Reaction | The Kaged Review

Door to Door Cannibals | Chevelle Reaction | Devin Gibson

What do you think of Door to Door Cannibals? Is it one of your favorites? Why or why not? Let me know your thoughts.

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